Letters - 02 May 2014

From felt and real needs to conscientious objectors

Felt and real needs

I have read the article by Derrick R Whitehouse (25 April) with great interest. It sums up the situation which is developing over the country. Many Meetings are finding themselves responsible for very old, listed buildings. They have neither the money nor the members to carry out the work needed to make them safe and usable. Too much of the energy and expertise of the Religious Society of Friends is being used up with their care. In fact, there are too many buildings for Quakers in some Area Meetings.

Is it time to enquire as to whether some of them can be taken over by English Heritage or The National Trust with a proviso that a room is available for a Quaker Meeting to be held in them once a week? New legislation by the Charity Commissioners and the appointing of trustees has made a difficult situation impossible. It is very difficult to find enough people to take on the responsibilities of trusteeship. Derrick Whitehouse is right. Some action needs to be taken very soon. We could then go back to meeting in Friends’ homes as we started and, hopefully, be able to strengthen each other’s spiritual pathway and leadings, which, to my mind, is what the Religious Society of Friends is about, rather than buildings and money.

Patricia Piqué

The Fox Report: from the North East

I should like to congratulate the Friend for its issue on 25 April. The layout of the paper was changed to accommodate The Fox Report.

I read the articles with a growing anger. I am appalled to live in a Britain that can leave people without any money for weeks on end. The welfare state was set up to support those who suffer joblessness, homelessness or disability. It now seems that these are the very people suffering the most. This cannot be right. Food banks are doing a great job, but it is a disgrace that they exist in a rich country like ours.

How can we do this to people? We need a more equal society but everything, at present, seems to be working against that happening.

I am not sure whether the tears I feel like shedding are those of despair or anger.

Mike Price

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