German Friends seek end to military

Germany Yearly Meeting lobies new government

Germany Yearly Meeting (GYM) last week sent a letter to the politicians attempting to form the country’s new coalition government, asking for a fundamental demilitarisation of the country. GYM, which met from 15 to 18 October, called for a complete end to conscription (Wehrpflicht), which still requires that all male citizens do nine months military service unless they specifically declare themselves a conscientious objector, and further called for an end to the existence of a standing army in Germany.

‘This came from a report by a Friend working for an organisation for conscientious objectors’, Davorka Lovrekovic – a clerk of GYM and editor of Der Quäker magazine – told the Friend. ‘He gave the report to Yearly Meeting, and in the discussions that followed, the feeling grew that we needed to let those politicians forming the new government know our feelings on the subject. We want them not to put their financial stake into this maintaining of an army but to focus on peace initiatives.’

Along with the drafting of the letter, a press release was made up for the German national press explaining the roots of GYM’s views and quoting from the Peace Testimony.

Ausstieg aus der Wehrpflicht

Sehr geehrte Frau Abgeordnete … (sehr geehrter Herr Abgeordneter …),

wir, die Religiöse Gesellschaft der Freunde (Quäker), glauben an das Göttliche in jedem Menschen. Aus diesem Grund lehnen wir als eine der historische
Friedenskirchen seit 350 Jahren alle Kriege ab, zu welchem Zwecke sie auch geführt werden.

Deshalb fordern wir Sie heute auf, die Wehrpflicht in Deutschland abzuschaffen, da wir diesen Schritt als einen wichtigen Beitrag für eine friedlichere Gesellschaft ansehen.

Diesem Schritt sollten weitere folgen. Wir sind der festen Überzeugung, dass auch eine Berufsarmee nicht in der Lage sein wird, die globalen Konflikte der Menschheit zu lösen.

Darum setzen wir uns dafür ein, die Bundeswehr insgesamt abzuschaffen und stattdessen alle Formen ziviler Konfliktbewältigung mit den freiwerdenden Mitteln zu unterstützen.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Die Deutsche Jahresversammlung der Religiösen Gesellschaft der Freunde (Quäker)

Jalka (Schreiberin) Horst-Dieter Breuer (Schreiber)

English translation:

Getting rid of compulsory military service

Honourable Ms/Mr Deputy

We, the Religious Society of Friends (Quaker), believe in the divine that is present in every person. For this reason, as one of the historic peace churches, we oppose all wars no matter what they are intended to accomplish.

For this reason we request today that you get rid of compulsory military service in Germany because we regard this step as an important contribution towards a more peaceful society.

This step should have further consequences. We are solidly convinced that a professional army is also not able to solve humanity’s global conflicts.

For this reason we are campaigning for the riddance of all military service and, in its place, the support of all forms of civil conflict management with the means that are thereby made available.

With friendly greetings

The German Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quaker)

Jalka (Co-Clerk) and Horst-Dieter Breuer (Co-Clerk)

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