Classroom of peace: Jonathan Doering visits the Jewish-Christian-Muslim Conference

‘There is an energising range of cultures, faiths, and experiences.’

‘We must keep on trying, failing a little better.’

‘Where are the schools in which we learn how to wage peace?’

This question was posed repeatedly by Lionel Blue, the much-loved rabbi, spiritual leader, and broadcaster. Over fifty years ago, Blue made contact with Winfried Maechler, a pastor at the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Church in London. They soon made common cause with Islamic reference scholar Eid Salah and Roman Catholic theologian Anneliese Debray to create the Jewish-Christian-Muslim (JCM) interfaith conference. JCM offers the chance for members of the three Abrahamic faiths to live and learn together for a week each February. Originally based in Bendorf, near the Rhine, the conference has migrated around Germany, and is now convened in Vallendar.

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