A photograph from the exhibition. Cécile Nyiramana, clerk of Rwanda Yearly Meeting. Photo: © Nigel Downes 2013.

Nuala Watt reviews two challenging projects hosted by Friends in Glasgow

Words and images in Glasgow

Nuala Watt reviews two challenging projects hosted by Friends in Glasgow

by Nuala Watt 28th July 2017

As part of Refugee Week 2017 Glasgow Meeting played host to two challenging plays. Journeymen Theatre performed a double bill: Feeding the Darkness, on state-sanctioned torture, and The Bundle, which tells the story of a woman negotiating the UK asylum system. Simultaneously, we welcomed This Light that Pushes Me, a photographic exhibition on the work of Quaker peacebuilders from sub-Saharan Africa. Both events took place at Renfield St Stephen’s Church, Bath Street, Glasgow, to whose congregation we express our thanks.