Thought for the Week: Being a Quaker
Michael Wright reflects on 'Being a Quaker'
The badge ‘I’m a Quaker – ask me why’ encourages and challenges us all to articulate our own responses. Sharing with one another why we are Quakers, what belonging means to us, and what we have found in becoming Friends, enriches the quality of fellowship within Meetings. It also gives us confidence to wear those badges, and be able to answer simply and honestly why we are Quakers.
I know of too many Friends who have such a badge, but won’t wear it because they feel so uncertain about what they will say if someone does ask them: Why are you a Quaker? There is no definite answer. Each of us will grow as we articulate our own response, and as we listen to and learn from other Friends articulating their responses. I chose to draft my own responses in a number of initial points – and stopped when I got to ten. These are just some reasons why I am a Quaker.