Judy Clinton reflects on whether we can inwardly open ourselves in whatever ways we can find to God’s light

Thought for the Week: An ocean of light

Judy Clinton reflects on whether we can inwardly open ourselves in whatever ways we can find to God’s light

by Judy Clinton 5th May 2017

I am lying on my back in the garden, looking up through a froth of plum blossom to the piercing blue sky above. A field mouse perches confidently on a twig beside the bird feeder, takes his fill of peanuts, and quickly scampers down the tree and into the undergrowth. The undersides of four gulls gleam white as they fly above me; and are gone. A series of bubbles wafts over the fence from the children next door, and happy shrieking follows. My feet and legs are warm in the sunshine; a breeze caresses my face. After many months of darkness, rain and cold this sudden arrival of full-blown spring feels to me like heaven.