'What can Friends do to create a fairer economic system?' Photo: olivierterrier / flickr CC

Sue Newsom asks: what can Friends do to create a fairer economic system?

The common good

Sue Newsom asks: what can Friends do to create a fairer economic system?

by Sue Newsom 6th October 2017

Evils which have struck their roots deep in the fabric of human society are often accepted, even by the best minds, as part of the providential ordering of life. They lurk unsuspected in the system of things until men of keen vision and heroic heart drag them into the light, or until insolent power visibly threatens human welfare.

William Charles Braithwaite, 1919
Quaker faith & practice 23.05

At Britain Yearly Meeting Gathering this year we were reminded by Elizabeth Allen, from South East Scotland Area Meeting, to look for God in organisations as well as in people. George Lakey, the American Quaker author and activist who addressed Friends in a session, stressed the importance of us just showing up in difficult situations. Steve Whiting, from Quaker Peace & Social Witness (QPSW), enjoined us to liberate whatever we possess for God’s service.