Alternative lyrics to 'Silent night'. Photo: hermitsmoores / flickr CC.

'Silent night' by Roy Wilcock

Silent night

'Silent night' by Roy Wilcock

by Roy Wilcock 22nd December 2017

Silent night, children take flight
Run for their lives on a starlit night
Leave the home they were born and bred
Uncharted highways of hope lie ahead
To escape from the bombs and the gunfire
Fleeing the fear and the dread.

Silent night, no welcoming light
Just a sea of tents, filth and blight
Children starving, no succour at hand
Children die in a desolate land
As we sit in our cosy domain
Hide from their suffering and pain.

Silent night, leaders still fight
Battling a cause they may think is right
The outcome is murder, it’s plain there to see
Bodies of children face down in the sea
No cause can be justly defended
When it forfeits the life of a child.

Leaders cannot be defended
When they forfeit the life of a child.


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