A sculpture of Chief Seattle at Memphis Zoo. Photo: Dave Barger / flickr CC.

Wendy Pattinson writes about the witness of Friends in North West England against fracking

Silence in the midst of noise

Wendy Pattinson writes about the witness of Friends in North West England against fracking

by Wendy Pattinson 18th August 2017

The issues around fracking and other forms of new and intensive fossil fuel extraction can be divisive, with serious moral and ethical dimensions which Quakers are engaged with. Meeting for Sufferings considered the matter from the perspective of climate justice and issued their discerned statement in February 2017:

For some years Quakers in Britain have worked to advocate for climate justice in our central work and Meetings. In 2011 we committed to “speak truth to power” on sustainability issues. We have faith that we can tackle climate change and build a more sustainable future, but we know this is only possible if fossil fuels remain underground.