Bernard Coote reflects on Quaker faith & practice 26.56

Reflections on the ‘Red Book’: Easter - the inside story

Bernard Coote reflects on Quaker faith & practice 26.56

by Bernard Coote 14th April 2017

The resurrection, however literally or otherwise we interpret it, demonstrates the power of God, to bring life out of brokenness; not just to take the hurt out of brokenness but to add something to the world. It helps us to sense the usefulness, the possible meaning in our suffering, and to turn it into a gift. The resurrection affirms me with my pain and my anger at what has happened. It does not take away my pain; it still hurts. But I sense that I am being transfigured; I am being enabled to begin again to love confidently and to remake the spirit of my world.

S Jocelyn Burnell, 1989 – Quaker faith & practice 26.56.