How Quaker business is conducted

Reflections on the ‘Red Book’: Conducting our Quaker business

How Quaker business is conducted

by Linda Murgatroyd 25th August 2017

The right conduct of our meetings for church affairs depends upon all coming to them in an active, seeking spirit, not with minds already made up on a particular course of action… But open minds are not empty minds, nor uncritically receptive: the service of the meeting calls for knowledge of facts, often painstakingly acquired, and the ability to estimate their relevance and importance. This demands that we shall be ready to listen to others carefully… trying always to discern the truth in what they have to offer.’

Quaker faith & practice 3.05

Successful spirit-led organisations seem to have three factors in common: they all have a clear purpose that everyone understands and supports; shared values, which are a criterion for joining the organisation; and the decision-making process always includes a point of ‘not knowing’ and the opportunity for everyone to contribute.