Quaker crossword
A Quaker crossword, devised by David and Rosemary Brown
1. He gave us Woodbrooke (6, 7)
5. Who wrote, ‘Our life is love, and peace, and tenderness’ (Quaker faith & practice (Qfp) 10.01)? (9)
7. She welcomed George Fox to Swarthmoor Hall in 1652. (8, 4)
12. One who takes responsibility for the spiritual welfare of a Meeting. (5)
14. Our kind of society! (9)
15. To do this is contrary to the testimony of truth. (3)
16. ‘Do not assume that vocal ________ is never to be your part’ (Advices & queries (A&Q) 13). (8)
19. Famous Quaker family. (8)
20. ‘I advise thee to wear it [thy sword] as ____ as thou canst’ (Qfp 19.47). (4)
1. ‘My heart was ____ and I praised the living God’ (Qfp 26.02). (4)
2. Unlikely to be used by a Quaker! (3)
3. ‘Our Meeting ___ be a channel for God’s love and forgiveness’ (A&Q 18). (3)
4. Annual Quaker gathering. (6, 7)
5. ‘We are for justice and mercy and truth and ___ and true freedom’ (Qfp 23.11). (5)
6. ‘When death has taken ___ the mask they will know one another’ (Qfp 27.01). (3)
8. ‘Worship is our response to an awareness of ___’ (A&Q 8). (3)
9. Crafted record of Quaker history. (8)
10. ‘Everyone is _____ in the sight of God’ (Qfp 23.32) (5)
11. One who is responsible for the pastoral care of a Meeting. (8)
13. ‘We call on Friends to rediscover our own _____ in the vision and lives of early Friends’ (Qfp 29.17). (5)
16. Short Meeting for Worship? (1, 1, 1)
17. ‘Do not be persuaded into buying what you do ___ need or cannot afford’ (A&Q 41). (3)
18. ‘__ you respect that of God in everyone?’ (A&Q 17). (2)
Answers on ‘Young Friends’.