Jacqui Poole celebrates the vision and power of Marcus Borg

Marcus Borg and God

Jacqui Poole celebrates the vision and power of Marcus Borg

by Jacqui Poole 22nd September 2017

Borg, Marcus Borg. I met him about six years ago. He was introduced to me by a Friend from another Meeting when we were on a course at Woodbrooke – and it was love at first sight! Well, not quite ‘sight’ as he wasn’t there in person. The Friend recommended a particular book of his, Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time: The Historical Jesus and the Heart of Contemporary Faith, which I devoured. I read others. Then, later, at the bookshop in Friends House, I came across what for me is his pièce de résistanceSpeaking Christian: Recovering the Lost Meaning of Christian Words.