Letters - 30 May 2014

From European elections to doctrine

European elections

I have no doubt that many Friends are as shocked as I am after the results of the European elections. Having friends (and Friends) in several European countries, I am particularly depressed at the success of neo-fascist parties across the continent.

Twenty years ago, I was involved in a project at the Quaker Council for European Affairs (QCEA) in Brussels, entitled ‘Between Hope and Disaster’, when we produced a document outlining the rise of fascism as we then saw it. Things have moved on since then, and the ease of electronic communication has enabled the far-right to organise more efficiently.

It is time for Friends to take a public stand against these developments and for British Friends to unite with Friends in other European countries to work out strategies to put a halt to this tide of hatred and cynicism which is threatening to engulf us. I would be more than happy to help to coordinate our response.

Barbara Forbes

BYM investments

Thank you, Ken R Smith for your letter (23 May).

It is good to have some of the truth about Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) investments and the great complexity of the ‘market’ laid before us. I hope that BYM will look into its holdings again and try to reduce or get rid of all questionable investments. I realise that this may be difficult and will take time but for our money to be involved in the manufacture of weapons is not OK.

Sarah Lasenby

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