From Quaker Week to divine love

Letters - 13 October 2017

From Quaker Week to divine love

by The Friend 13th October 2017

Quaker Week

As part of Quaker Week, we invited members of St John’s Hill United Reformed Church afternoon fellowship in Sevenoaks to visit our Meeting house to learn about Quaker life and worship. Twelve people accepted and heard from Friends present about their journey to Quakers

Following a question and answer session, we moved into the Meeting room and explained our way of worship. We then asked our visitors to join us in a short Meeting for Worship during which a Friend ministered. One of our visitors responded and gave her own ministry. Another later expressed an interest in coming to our midweek Meeting. This was very encouraging for us as we try to build closer ties with local churches and communities. We all had a very enjoyable afternoon which concluded with tea and cakes – and many more questions!

Later I received an email from the leader of the afternoon fellowship thanking us for our hospitality and ‘thoughtful sharing of what it means to be a Quaker.’ It continued: ‘For many of us it was something we had never really understood, but to all of us it helped us to remember we are all making the same journey along the same way, even though how we travel may vary.’

Mary Dewell

Concern over insert

I am concerned by the insert in the 6 October issue of the Friend addressed ‘To the reader of The Friend’. The insert invites Friends to support The Bible Society in their mission to give Bibles to refugees fleeing the conflict in Syria. My understanding of the Quaker response to suffering is to listen, to support and to uphold. I do not believe our way is to use people’s suffering as an opportunity to convert them. Is it not a more Christian approach to offer our love without expectation?

Sam McNair