Letters - 01 December 2017
From distressing deception to Methodist influence
Distressing deception
I was reminded by your very powerful edition of the Friend focusing on Friends in Wales (17 November) of an incident some years ago which made me, as a well-meaning monoglot, feel very useless.
I called on an elderly widow who had been visited by a group of children. They claimed to have come to invite her to a tea party, telling her she would receive further details later. She was, at first, overwhelmed by such kindness. However, while she was talking to some of them, two slipped upstairs, found her meagre savings and sentimental ‘treasures’ and stole them.When she discovered their deception, she was all the more distressed that such young children should be so wicked as to take advantage of her trust so cruelly.
As I tried to comfort her I heard the strong Welsh lilt in her voice and gently suggested that she didn’t sound to have been born in Oxfordshire. She told me that her husband had come in the exodus from the Valleys when the jobs in coal and steel dried up. Tears made her incoherent as she tried to express herself in ‘my’ language.
I asked if she knew of other Welsh-speakers in the area (as there had been a strong contingent of her compatriots working in the blanket factories) with whom to chat in Welsh.
‘No,’ she replied, sadly, ‘only the Almighty and He never answers me.’
Words (in English) failed me.
Barbara Pensom
Welsh connections
I have been using Welsh at Meeting in England. Nearly forty years ago when I came first to Meeting in Winchester there were two Welsh speakers, and three women who had warm connections with Welsh or with Wales. I would naturally chat in Welsh or English with the other speakers.
From time to time I would minister by reading from Advices & queries, usually doing so by reading first in Welsh and then the same choice in English.
Later I came to the conclusion that it would be a great signifier of Quaker support for Cymraeg, Welsh, if all printings of Advices & queries were always published in the two languages together. Of course, I know that there are more than two native languages in the UK.
Even so, you should know how much of a thrill it is for a man from West Wales to open a Quaker magazine and see his mother tongue side by side with English.
Rwy’ wedi bod yn defnyddio’r Gymraeg yn y Cwrdd yn Lloegr. Bron ddeugain blynedd yn ôl, pen ddês i gynta i’r Cwrdd yma yng Nghaerwynt roedd yno ddau Gymry Cymraeg ac hefyd tair arall ddi-Gymraeg a oedd ganddynt cysylltiadau cynnes efo’r Gymraeg neu Cymru.Roedd sgwrsio yn Gymraeg a Saesneg yn hollol naturiol i’r ddau Gyfaill Cymraeg a mi.O dro i dro byddaf yn gweini drwy ddarllen un o’r Cynghorion a Holiadau. Fel arfer, byddaf yn darllen yn gyntaf yn Gymraeg, ac wedyn yn Saesneg.
Yn ddiweddarach des i’r penderfyniad falle fydde’n arwydd fod Crynwyr yn hybu’r iaith Gymraeg os bydde pob copi o’r Cynghorion a Holiadau yn cael ei gyhoeddi yn y ddwy iaith. Wrth gwrs, mae ‘na mwy na dwy iaith gwreiddiol yn cael eu siarad yn y DU.
Er hynny, dylech wybod sut hwb i’r galon yw i ddyn o orllewin Cymru i weld yr hen iaith mewn cyfrol yn ochr ag ochr a Saesneg.
Fi yw’r unig Gymro sy’ nawr yn dod i Gwrdd Caerwynt.
Wynn Rees
Eco Area Meeting
We were recently the only Quakers present at an inspiring and well-attended Eco Church conference in Sheffield. It was good to meet people from different worshipping traditions who shared the common goal of ‘caring for God’s earth’. We were also interested to learn that in Ireland Quakers have been one of the main forces behind ‘Eco Congregations’.
Earlier this year Central England Quakers registered as an ‘Eco Area Meeting’ as part of the Eco Diocese scheme. The commitment was minuted by Area Meeting in session and its low carbon commitment group asked to take the work forward. Central England Quakers felt that becoming an Eco Area Meeting made a public statement about their Quaker faith and position on sustainability. It also celebrates sustainability achievements and helps identify areas where more can be done.
Birmingham Anglican Diocese is one of seven dioceses registered as Eco Dioceses. Local Anglicans seeking to persuade the Anglican Church to divest its fossil fuel shares particularly appreciate our Quaker support. We are planning to jointly host an A Rocha Midlands area conference next year with an interfaith contribution about Imam Sustainability Training.
We urge other Quaker Meetings to join the Eco Church scheme and other Area Meetings to consider registering as Eco Area Meetings.
Chris and Harriet Martin
Friends and diversity
It was so good to see the article from Rosemary Crawley on Quakers and diversity in the 3 November issue of the Friend. I agree wholeheartedly with her piece, particularly her query: ‘Why should we assume that quiet contemplative religious practice is in itself a barrier?’ In my opinion, this is an excuse for doing nothing.
I also strongly agree with her comment that ‘it is about how people who do not fit the mould are treated when they come to Meeting’. I hope we can keep our hearts and minds open on this issue and be willing to learn and change.
Chrissie Hinde
Quakers without borders
Reg Snowdon (22 September) refers to the recent European Friends Meeting in Brussels and notes the absence of any mention of Brexit.
Border Meeting primarily includes Friends from the Benelux countries, adjacent areas of Germany, France and others interested to attend. Coincidentally, it provides a meeting place for Friends, such as myself, who are connected to more than one country through marriage, work or whatever.
Happily, the original physical ‘borders’ in that region are long gone, though now, as the Irish in particular are aware, a border in these islands as a result of Brexit could loom.
About sixty of us attended, of whom about nine were British, plus another six (probably all citizens of other EU states) resident in Britain. Almost all the rest were from EU states, plus one or two Friends from places beyond. The subject matter ranged from world Friends to the refugee migration crisis and Islamophobia.
Brexit is, of course, a British matter, but one which affects many other people too. In conversations people alluded to ways it was affecting them. During the gathering British Friends were warmly assured of a continued welcome and that we would not let Brexit separate us. Living in Britain we can risk becoming somewhat Britain-centric. Others have different priorities. Continuing support for the Quaker Council for European Affairs (QCEA) provides a really positive and ongoing European opportunity for UK Friends.
Evelyn Shire
Charitable cogitation
There have been many interesting letters in the Friend about Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) being a charity, whether being a charity makes us too cosy with the government, the morality of Gift Aid and so on. I have no objection myself to BYM being a charity.
Another way of looking at it, though, is that a declaration of charitable giving can be used to reduce tax paid by individuals on income. Generally, the higher the income the more giving can be used this way. This means that high-earners can, in effect, choose to divert money from government income to charities of their choice. Whether you think this is a good thing or not may depend upon your opinion of the government of the day or the charities chosen. There is plenty to think about.
Neil Simmons
Red and white poppies
I was in France between 6 and 20 November and was surprised to see that there appeared to be no tradition there of wearing a poppy, be it red or white, to commemorate those soldiers or civilians who died in wars. No one I spoke to was even aware of this ritual existing in the British Isles.
There are official commemorations in most towns and the laying of wreaths, but poppies are nonexistant. Therefore, there can be no possible arguments or misunderstandings!
Francoise Battin
Methodist influence
Thanks to Stuart Masters (27 October) for his article about Quakers and the Protestant Reformation.
His last sentence speaks of something I know nothing about: ‘the Wesleyan tradition has exercised such a profound influence on global Quakerism during the past 250 years.’ Shall I await part two?
Gordon Jackson