'Give over thine own willing...' Photo: Reinhold Brezovszky / flickr CC
Leadings and seekings
A Friend reflects on being led by the Spirit
Sometimes, and quite understandably, we feel aggrieved because we have been left out of a decision. It is never easy to be part of a group that has reached a conclusion in a meeting at which we were not present or, worse still, on a issue of which we were unaware until the last moment. If the matter is contentious, or if it is something about which we have strong feelings, it can take us a long time to adjust.
It is possible, however, that we may be going about this the wrong way. We have to decide whether we are being led by faith or by principle. The Religious Society of Friends has often been criticised for being stronger on matters of principle than matters of faith, but this is usually by people who do not understand what underlies our testimonies.
Almost everyone would agree that Quakers do a lot of good when they get it right, but it’s when we lose touch with our spiritual foundations that we get it most wrong. People’s principles differ, often surprisingly, and it is probably good that they do. We develop ideas by discussing and sometimes arguing with each other, essentially – and hopefully – in good-natured opposition. I debate with you and we reach a decision, even if it’s only a compromise.
Faith is different. The ‘I’ and the ‘you’ lose significance in the face of something infinitely greater. This is where we seek convergence as the truth emerges, often over a period of time. It is important to make this distinction. We do not, as Quakers, make decisions together. We seek leadings, and the corporate self-discipline involved is often hard. We are impatient for results and, because we get on very well with one another most of the time, we have a good discussion and reach a good decision. It may be good, but is it right? Talking and thinking about ‘decisions’ that need to be made in our Business or other Meetings is not helpful. It is the way of the Spirit that we should be seeking, in all humility, and that’s where it becomes difficult… unless we are prepared to let go of treasured ideas or positions. Isaac Penington put it well:
Give over thine own willing, give over thine own running, give over thine own desiring to know or be anything and sink down to the seed which God sows in the heart, and let that grow in thee and be in thee and breathe in thee and act in thee; and thou shalt find by sweet experience that the Lord knows that and loves and owns that, and will lead it to the inheritance of Life, which is its portion.
Some queries for Meetings for Worship for Business and Meetings for Clearness:
- Have you done all that is reasonable to acquaint yourself with the issues involved?
- Are your ‘heart and mind prepared’? Are you able to approach issues in a spirit of worship?
- Have you left at the door of the Meeting any previously prepared position? Are you willing to seek and to follow the guidance of God, wherever it may lead?
- Are you also willing to leave at the door of the Meeting your ‘self’, with its potential for anger and hurt? What are you willing to give – or give up – in order that the true Light may shine?
- Are you prepared to approach in a spirit of forgiveness those whose choice of words causes you disquiet, and then look beyond them for the truth?
If we do not seek the Light, if we do not accept the Light, then how can we walk in it?