Friends urge Scottish government to act on climate
Friends have urged the Scottish government to take action on its climate promises
Quakers in Scotland have urged the Scottish government to take action on its climate promises. Friends joined other members of Stop Climate Chaos Scotland (SCCS) to greet MSPs on their first day back in 2025 at the Scottish Parliament last week. The gathering on 7 January called on the Scottish government to show global leadership and fulfil its promises. Last year the Scottish government announced it was ditching its legal target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by seventy-five per cent by 2030, and delayed promised climate action.
Carolyn Burch, from the Quakers in Scotland parliamentary engagement working group, told the Quakers in Britain website: ‘Quakers in Scotland want the government to put its plans into action. They should roll out the Heat in Buildings Bill as an early priority, and take other concrete steps to help Scotland to reduce our carbon emissions.’
Quakers in Scotland said all climate action should be fair and equitable and should consider the impact of the UK’s historic use of carbon on the rest of the world.
This would include contributing further to the Loss and Damage Fund, and pursuing innovative climate finance using the ‘polluter pays principle’, they said.
‘We also want to see the Government acting with truth and integrity, being honest and positive about the urgency of applying real solutions as a priority over unproven new technology such as carbon capture and storage,’ Carolyn Burch added.