Fracking opposed in Lancashire
Sixty-six per cent of Lancashire residents are opposed to fracking
A YouGov survey of Lancashire residents for Friends of the Earth reveals that sixty-six per cent are opposed to fracking within five miles of where they live and fifty-four per cent said that they thought fracking was unsafe.
It is two years since Lancashire County Council rejected a fracking planning application that was appealed against and then overturned by central government.
Almost three in four people polled think that Lancashire County Council should have the final say on fracking applications.
Local Friends have been active in opposing fracking in the county, staging a witness against fracking on Pendle Hill in May, among other events.
Helen Rimmer, Friends of the Earth North West campaigner, said: ‘Lancashire residents already know that fracking is unwanted, not just here but anywhere in the country where fracking is proposed. But the extent to which this industry has failed to win over the public is undeniable. Friends of the Earth has always stood against fracking, together with residents on this issue.’