The beatitudes new voiced

Blessings abounding

The beatitudes new voiced

by Alec Davison 22nd December 2017

You are blessed when your spirit can endure no more:
you have only God’s hands to sustain you.

You are blessed when you grieve for what is most dear to you:
only then are you ready for the comfort of God.

You are blessed when you live a life of gentleness:
for then the world will be safe for us all.

You are blessed when you hunger and thirst to bring justice:
you’ll be nourished by God as you struggle for change.

You are blessed when you show forgiveness to others:
for they’ll be forgiving of you.

You are blessed when you live peaceably and work to bring
enemies together as friends:
you will know yourself and be known by others for who
you really are.

You are blessed when the bad things in your heart have been healed:
then you’ll see again the good things of the world.

You are blessed when abused, persecuted and lied against
as you make a stand for Truth:
you will be driven closer to the Way of God.

Blessings abounding will be yours
When you choose the Way of God.
So it is even today, universally, and for all generations to come.
Rejoice and be glad. Yes. Yes. Yes.

From his cantata The Eyes of God, an exploration of the Sermon on the Mount through song.


I love these, Alec. You understand that we do best not by replacing the old with something novel, but by understanding the tradition so deeply that it reshape itself in our hearts.

By lampen on 25th December 2017 - 1:27

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