Meetings in Britain are committing to divestment from fossil fuels

A quarter of Meetings say no to fossil fuels

Meetings in Britain are committing to divestment from fossil fuels

by Harry Albright 19th May 2017

More than a quarter of Meetings in Britain have made a commitment to no longer invest in the fossil fuel industry, Britain Yearly Meeting has announced.

Huddersfield Meeting is one example. Two years after making a commitment to going ‘Fossil Free’ it no longer has any fossil fuel-related investments in its portfolio. Huddersfield Friend Chayley Collis said: ‘The process of divesting the Meeting’s investments was relatively easy, if a little time-consuming. We were surprised that many of the investments that we had thought were ethical were not already fossil free. We would encourage other churches and faith groups to divest from fossil fuels and help send a signal that fossil fuels are no longer an ethical investment.’

The announcement came at the beginning of the ten-day Global Divestment Mobilisation when people around the world called on churches, councils, universities and workplaces to cut their ties with the fossil fuel industry.


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