Issue 26-08-2011

Featured story

Thou shalt not kill

FREE 25 Aug 2011 | by Ian Kirk-Smith

The sixth commandment, in the King James version of the Bible, is very clear: ‘Thou shalt not kill’.  It is a commandment that has been ignored by millions of Christians for centuries. Some, however, have taken it literally. They have chosen to love their enemies rather than fight them....

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Top stories

Still objecting!

25 Aug 2011 | by Derek Brett

Conscientious objection is not just a chapter in the history books | Photo: © Quaker Tapestry.

The Quaker Tapestry panel showing public humiliation, hostile tribunals and jail reflects the ongoing stark reality that faces conscientious objectors in many parts of the world today. In Britain, we only remember conscientious objectors in the two world wars. My generation has been able to lead our entire lives as...

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Around the world…

25 Aug 2011 | by Derek Brett

'Even the countries that recognise that some people who willingly joined the armed forces do later become conscientious objectors make it hard to get out' | Photo: Jayel Aheram/flickr CC

South Korea The flag of South Korea | Wikimedia Commons Ninety per cent of the world’s imprisoned conscientious objectors are in South Korea. Since 1950, 16,296 Jehovah’s Witnesses have been sentenced to a total of 31,204 years’ imprisonment for refusing to perform military service. In recent years they have been joined by...

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Once upon a [war] time

FREE 25 Aug 2011 | by Rowena Loverance

Ian Serraillier | Photo: Courtesy the Imperial War Museum

At Yearly Meeting Gathering, Friends revisited the Peace Testimony, 350 years on, and asked themselves, ‘Do you stand up for Peace, use your voice, try to discern what action you can take?’ One Friend who used his very distinctive voice to stand up for peace is being celebrated, this year and...

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Letters - 26 August 2011

25 Aug 2011 | by The Friend

Sentencing of rioters I am appalled at the severity of the sentences being handed down to the rioters in the recent disturbances in England. While I certainly do not condone their actions, the sentences seem out of all proportion.

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