Meeting for Sufferings: Peace and witness, then and now

Representatives at Meeting for Sufferings reflected on the Court and Prison Register and the discernment of Quaker concerns

The meeting room was full for October’s Meeting for Sufferings at Woodbrooke. But not quite as packed as it was for Mohandas Gandhi’s visit in 1931, said Woodbrooke director Sandra Berry as she welcomed Friends to the study centre. The previous week had seen the 150th anniversary of Gandhi’s birth, which was recognised at the centre with the launch of Jai Jagat 2020, a year-long walk from Delhi to Geneva. It was an opportune introduction to a Meeting that was followed with discernment on the Court and Prison Register, which has been most recently used to uphold Friends charged with offences related to breaches of the law in the name of peace and sustainability – key areas of consideration for Gandhi.

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